Innovation Excellence.


Direct and interactive connection
between brand and consumer!

Personal and emotional: Strengthen
the customer experience and
promote loyalty with end consumers.

Our solutions with NFC Tags

A Smart Bottle with an NFC (Near Field Communication) tag is a revolutionary packaging solution that merges the physical and digital worlds seamlessly.


Create digital experiences for 
your customers to bind them 
to your brand.


An NFC tag makes each 
product unique and gives it
its own identity. By interacting 
with the NFC on your product, 
you can know how many 
customers have interacted with 
one unique product.


Get information on who, 
where, when and how your 
bottle was interacted with.


Authenticate your products so 
that the customer can be sure 
that they are not counterfeit.

Your Benefits

The fusion of your product and the digital world

  • Differentiate
    and Innovate

    Innovate your products with forward thinking approaches enabling them to stand out on the shelves, while providing more than what a traditional physical product can offer.

  • Create emotional
    customer experiences

    Inspire your customers with customized, up-to-date content that strengthens your brand and builds loyalty. Engage your customers with compelling stories, product reviews and exclusive offers around your product and brand.

  • Drive

    Each bottle becomes unique, enhancing its individuality and enabling personalized interactions.

  • Make Each
    Bottle Unique

    By attaching an NFC tag to your product, you give it a unique identity. This allows you to effectively track how many new customers a product has attracted.

  • Get
    Market Insights

    Brands can use NFC tags to collect valuable data about consumer interactions. By knowing who, when, where and how consumers interact with the product, marketing strategies and product development can be tailored to improve customer satisfaction and brand reputation.

  • Transparency
    and Authenticity

    Today's customers want to be fully informed - they want to know the origin, the exact ingredients and the authenticity of a product. This important information can be elegantly and visually appealingly transferred to an NFC tag, providing added value for the informed consumer.

Ready to Unlock the Potential of Smart Packaging?

Contact us so that we can answer all your questions.

Explore our recent projects

Witness how other brands are revolutionizing their products into Smart Solutions.

Over 100,000 NFC tags on the market.


Over 20 projects completed.


A confirmed Interaction Rate of 10 - 15 %



Our additional services

NFC Supply
and Encoding

Our service integrates NFC technology to boost efficiency and customer interaction, focusing on NFC tag supply and encoding.

Experience Creation

We craft the digital experience you have imagined for your products.

Saas Platform for Data Collection

We offer a SaaS platform for insightful data collection and analytics, enhancing decision-making and marketing.

Digital Printing on NFC Tag and Glass Packagings

We provide digital printing on NFC tags and glass packaging, merging functionality with design to elevate product appeal.
